The Pineapple is an considered an auspicious fruit to include in a Chinese family celebration because the name sounds like “prosperity comes” in some Chinese dialects (Ong Lye in Hokkien and Wong Lye in Cantonese). And that’s why it is a really good excuse for us to load up on the Pineapple jam tarts during this time. For a calorie-free alternative, the Quilted Pineapple Cushion Cover is a perfect project to welcome the Lunar New Year or simply a pretty one to make for your home!
This is our 1st quilt along, and we hope you will join us in making this simple block, quilting and constructing an envelope-back cushion cover.
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Size of finished cushion cover: 20″x20″
Size of patchwork cushion front (before sewing into cushion cover): 21″x21″
Here’s the list of material requirement:
Pineapple block fabric*:
A) Assorted prints in 3.5″ x 3.5″ squares in these colours. We encourage you to use your scrap fabrics for this set of fabric selection.
1) Green: Enough for 7 pieces of 3.5″ squares.
2) Yellow: Enough for 18 pieces of 3.5″ squares
3) Background: 1/2 yard (Choose a contrasting colour or print to the green or yellow. Light or neutral tones will work well too. We do not recommend a print with multiple colours in it as it will distract from the accent patchwork.
B) Backing Fabric*: 3/4 yard
C) Batting: 3/4y (or at least 22″ x 22″) We recommend a low loft cotton batting like Warm & Natural.
D) Cushion Envelope-back fabric: 1/2y
E) Cushion insert size: 20″ x 20″ (available at Ikea)
*Fabrics: 100% woven Quilting quality fabric.
Other tools:
– sewing machine with 1/4″ foot and walking foot
– Patchwork pins, Clover Wonder Clips, Olfa 45mm rotary cutter, self-healing mat, 6″x24″ rectangular quilting ruler, square quilting ruler, Quilter’s Magic Wand, Fabric pencil, Flatter Smoothing Spray, basting safety pins.
Follow us on our Instagram, Facebook page and Facebook Group (Quilting Quilters) – you will receive notifications and also post your progress and questions. Add hashtags #2QQAL #PineappleQAL
Instructions posting dates:
– Step 1 on Friday, 11th January
– Step 2 on Monday 14th January
– Step 3 on Friday, 25th January
So time to pull out the fabrics and show us your selection!