There are a few ways of piecing a HST unit, but we prefer a ‘trim down’ method where we make a larger HST unit and then trim down to the size that we like. Advantages of this method are: accurate HST that will require less easing of seams and also the starting sizes of the squares are cut in either in whole or half numbers (compared to 3/8″ or 7/8″ in the traditional method). The downside is that there is some wastage and also what some may perceive as additional effort to trim the units.
From the fabrics you have prepared from our requirement list:
– Green: Enough for 7 pieces of 3.5″ squares. (approx 1 Fat Eighth)
– Yellow: Enough for 18 pieces of 3.5″ squares (approx 1 Fat Quarter)
– Orange for Background : 1/2 yard
Reserve the balance for borders
We will be sewing on our machine with a 1/4″ footer. If you do not have a 1/4″ footer, use a seam guide or adjust your needle position accordingly. All seam allowances are 1/4″ unless indicated otherwise.

(Fabric selection – press and prepare for cutting!)
Step 1) Cutting instructions:
Green Fabric: Cut 7 units of 3.5″ squares.
Yellow Fabric: Cut 18 units of 3.5″ squares
Orange: Cut 5 units of 3.5″ squares AND Cut 2 units of 2.5″ squares.

Step 2) Fabric Pairing
Pair up 2 units of the 3.5″ squares, putting them Right Sides Together in the following grouping:
– Green + Orange: 3 sets
– Green + Green: 2 sets
– Yellow + Orange: 2 sets
– Yellow + Yellow: 8 Sets

Step 3) Method A – Mark and Sew (with Quilters Magic Wand – QMW)
– Take 1 set of paired units, align the center line on the QMW across the opposite corners.
– Mark 2 lines – 1 down the right and 1 on left side of QMW.
– Repeat for the rest of the paired units. You only need to mark ONE side of the pair.
Tip: draw with pencil tip into the edge where the wand meets fabric for an accurate line.
Tip 2: The width of QMW is 0.5″ and the ruler edge is 1/4″ away from the center line. So it is very convenient for us to mark our 1/4″ seam allowances for other sewing too.

– Sew ON the lines for all 15 pairs.

If you don’t have the QMW yet, you can use Method B, which is a traditional method of marking/sewing.
Step 3B) Mark and Sew – Method B (without QMW)
– Take 1 pair of 2 square units, align a ruler edge across the diagonal corners.
– Mark the line across the diagonal corners.
(Step 3B) Mark 1 side of the pair with a ruler, corner to corner.)
– Sew with a 1/4″ seam allowance from the line, on the right and left sides of the line.
Tip: it is more accurate to sew on a marked line than to follow the seam allowance of a 1/4″ footer especially. That’s why we prefer QMW for constructing such units.

*** Complete Step 3 using EITHER ONE METHOD: A OR B ***
Step 4) Cut the sewn units
– After sewing on the lines, place your ruler on opposite corners, IN BETWEEN the sewn lines. Then cut all the units on the diagonal.

Step 5) Press the seams open.
– Press the seam to 1 side from the front and then press the back seam open for flatter seam. Tip: Use Flatter!

You should have the following 30 units of Half Square Triangles (HST)
– green and orange x 6 units
– green and green hst x 4 units
– yellow and orange hst x 4 units
– yellow and yellow hst x 16 units
and 2 pieces of 2.5″ squares from Step 1.
Step 6) Trimming the HST
– Place your ruler with the 45 degree line on the diagonal seam, making sure that you have enough to trim down all 4 sides of the square to measure 2.5″.
– Trim all 30 HST units to 2.5″ square.

IF your ruler does not have a 45 degree line printed on it. You can tape down a piece of Washi tape on the ruler too.

And to speed up the production process, we used the Olfa 12″ Rotating Mat and a 2.5″ square ruler.
And that’s the end of Day 1 of our Quilt Along! Do follow us on Instagram, Facebook page and Facebook Group (Quilting Quilters) and please share your progress pictures with us too! Remember to add hashtag #2QQAL2019 #PineappleQAL
Join us on Monday, 14 Jan for Day 2 of the quilt along!